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Thursday Plantation
Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Oil products offer a comprehensive range of antiseptic and skin care solutions for natural, essential care.General Use
The most promising new function of tea tree oil is to counter methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), also called the hospital super bug. This super-bug attacks people who have wounds, such as post-operative infections, and a depressed immune system.
Tea tree oil works as an expectorant when inhaled or taken internally and has a soothing effect; therefore, it can be used for throat and chest infections, and for clearing up mucus. It is also effective against ear-aches, cystitis and gingivitis. Inhaling steaming hot water with 5 drops of tea tree essential oil added can not only soothe coughing and plugged noses, but doing so at the start of the infection might stop it from spreading. Gargling with 6 drops of tea tree oil in a glass of warm water may soothe sore throats.
Tea tree essential oil is an excellent natural antiseptic for skin infections. The oil immediately penetrates outer skin layers and mixes with body oils to treat such conditions as insect bites, cuts, burns, acne, infected wounds, bruises, boils, scabies, lice, chillblains, nappy rash, hives, prickly heat and sunburn.
Tea tree oil has pain-numbing properties and can be used topically for sprains, arthritis, bunions, bursitis, eczema, gout, carpal tunnel syndrome and haemorrhoids. It is best to use products containing essential tea tree oil, since the pure essential oil would be irritating to sensitive areas.
Tea tree oil is an excellent antifungal agent and can be employed to treat Candida albicans, athlete's foot, ringworm, thrush and onychomycosis (nail infections).
Tea tree oil can boost suppressed immune systems and help those with chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome. Surgeons in Australian hospitals treat patients in these situations with tea tree oil before surgery.
To increase the power of the immune system, several drops of tea tree oil can be added to the bath or weekly massages. A few drops of tea tree oil can also be added to vaporisers.
Personal Hygiene
To fight plaque, brushing with toothpaste containing tea tree oil or adding some to regular toothpaste is advised, as is adding a few drops of tea tree oil to mouthwash. The latter helps both teeth and gums. For sore gums, a few drops of the oil can be swabbed on the sore area.
Household Cleaning
Tea tree oil's natural solvent properties make it an excellent biodegradable cleaning product. It can be used for washing cotton nappies; as a deodoriser, disinfectant, to remove mould, to treat houseplants for moulds and for fungal and parasitic infections.
Tea tree oil is not to be used for daily hygiene, and is toxic to the liver and kidneys in high or chronic doses. High doses can also be irritating to the skin and provoke an allergic reaction in some people.