What is BetterYou?BetterYou understands how hard it is to ensure optimum health when life is so hectic. With the nutritional value of food dramatically reduced due to intensive farming and over processing, greater demands on our time and relentless modern stress levels there has never been a more important time to take control and look after ourselves.
Expert nutrition...
We are proud to be advised by our team of young, forward thinking nutritional and health professionals. Each is skilled in their own area of expertise and we believe their support and advice to BetterYou is a key ingredient in keeping our product range vital, relevant and effective. In today's fast-changing world it is more important than ever to challenge the norms and focus on quality and common-sense innovation.
Optimum nutritional absorption...
All our ingredients are naturally sourced and each product works in a harmonious way with the body's natural cycle. We believe that nutrients obtained from a natural raw food-source are far superior to those that are isolated or man-made. They are more easily, and so more quickly absorbed by our bodies as they are in a form our bodies expect to find them. Only the highest quality ingredients are used within the BetterYou range.
We try to play clean and fair...
Some of our ingredients travel a long way to get to us. We believe in using foods grown and harvested where they would normally be found. By the people who would normally farm them. This way we are not trying to mimic what Nature does naturally. Each ingredient is processed or extracted at source so ensuring potency and purity. It also means that we transport only what we use, reducing the environmental impact of its journey, leaving much of the bulk behind to be used as fertilizer or feedstock.
Commitment to purity and quality...
All BetterYou products are manufactured in the United Kingdom to the highest standards of purity and sterility, and this is important to us. All products are gluten-free, wheat-free and lactose-free. No added sugar, colours, yeast or preservatives appear in any BetterYou product. We believe in using botanical and mineral combinations that work effectively together. The formulations are designed to be safe introductions to better health maintenance and most products are suitable for those on a vegetarian, vegan, diabetic and coeliac diet. No products or ingredients used have been tested on animals.